FAQ's HTML Tips Graphics Tips Photoshop Tips Photoshop Filters FAQ's
What software do you use? Most of what I have and use is listed on my tips page.
I sent you a question by e-mail and you didn't respond, Why? Even though I get over 150 e-mail messages a day, if you ask me a direct question, I will respond. I get many returned pieces of mail, because of misspelled e-mail address that I get. If more than a week goes by, send me your question again and make sure you have the correct e-mail address in your settings.
Do you have a logo that I can use as a link to your page? Yes, it is located on my logos page.
What if I can't afford expensive drawing programs - What do you suggest? Try some shareware ones off my HOT LINKS page. If you are left unsatisfied, then "PhotoImpact" is a good entry level program to buy.
How do you make a transparent gif? I have a page dedicated just for that, click here.
What type of computer do you have? PC - I only have a Pentium 100, but I do have 50 megs of RAM.
How do save an image on a Mac? PC users just right-click and select "Save As...", but Mac users click and hold your mouse button down until the pop-up menu appears. Now select "Save As..."
How do you do frames/imagemaps/gif animations etc.? Check our my HTML Tutorials & my Graphics Tutorials!
What program do you use for your 3D animations? I made the 3D stuff in Extreme 3D and then I use Photoshop to save each gif with the same palate. Then I use Gif Construction Kit to compile everything.
Where do you get all your cool fonts? I just buy one of those font CD's with 500-1000 fonts on them. All fonts are flat, but I use my paint program to make them look 3D.
What program do you use to do your HTML editing? The best program that I have seen is HomeSite. It's not for everyone, but I sure love it.
What program do you use to draw your pictures? I use Adobe Photoshop for my image editing and Adobe Illustrator if I am creating a custom graphic from scratch.
What programs do you use to compile your animated gifs? Gif Construction Set.
How old are you? 23
How long have you been using a computer to draw pictures? 12 years, ever since computers had 16 colors and a mouse attached.
How long have you been designing web pages? Full time? About 1 1/2 years.
How can I get started in HTML page design? Read every word of my tutorials.

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